Currency Guide for purchasing Plant Base (or other things)

Our prices are given in UK Pounds Sterling (GBP). For international customers the PayPal system normally offers the choice to pay in local currency, using the prevailing rate to handle the conversion. You can use the calculator or table below to get an approximate cost in another currency.

General purpose currency conversion calculator


uses conversion rates from the European Central Bank, updated on Sunday 09th of March 2025 05:55:00 UTC

Examples when buying Plant Base

Below is a rough guide to prices when converted to other currencies. Please note that this is for guidance only and actual prices will differ slightly due to the payment mechanism. The calculations below are also based on currency exchange rates from the European Central Bank.

  Plant Base license
CD only *
CD only *
UK flagGBP £25.00 £6.50 £8.00
EU flagEUR €29.73€7.73€9.51
US flagUSD $32.28$8.39$10.33
Canada flagCAD $46.28$12.03$14.81
New Zealand flagNZD $56.52$14.70$18.09
Australia flagAUD $51.31$13.34$16.42
South Africa flagZAR 586.61 152.52 187.71
India flagINR 2,808 730 899
Switzerland flagCHF 28.41 7.39 9.09
Russia flagRUB 3,484 906 1,115
Brasil flagBRL 186.17 48.40 59.57
Japan flagJPY ¥4,767¥1,240¥1,526

* CD's are now only supplied on special request - email us. The cost covers both the CD itself and postage.


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